Local Search

Get on the map with local SEO.

Every single-location or multi-location company can grow their business and online visibility with local SEO strategies. Even if you don’t realize it, you have seen the results of local SEO. Everyone has.

Over 28% of searches for something nearby result in a purchase (Google).

What is local SEO?

Local SEO is the process of brick and mortar or service-oriented businesses increasing search visibility to local customers. Want customers in your city? Make sure you target them, specifically.

Local search can be used for brick and mortar locations like law firms, dental offices, restaurants and more, or service-oriented businesses that cater to specific geographical locations or regions. Have multiple locations that need attention? That is no problem.

Millions of online users each day search with a local intent to find the best local businesses in their area. In order to rank locally, a business must utilize local ranking factors such as consistent name, address, and phone number (NAP), customer reviews, and other local SEO ranking factors.

Why is local SEO important?

Local SEO is especially important to small and local businesses. Millions of online users each day search with a local intent to find the best local businesses in their area. To rank locally, a business must utilize local ranking factors such as a consistent name, address, and phone number (NAP), customer reviews, and a host of other local SEO ranking factors. Here are some top ways that local SEO can benefit your business.

1. Local SEO benefits your customers

Do you want your customer’s experience to be memorable? Today, your customer’s experience doesn’t start when they step foot in your door or when they meet you. It starts when they first search online for the products or services you offer.

Local SEO can make it easier for your customers to find you. Did you know that 71% of people say they look up a business online to confirm its location before going to it for the first time?

What are your customers seeing when they look for you online?

2. Local SEO optimization helps you stand out

Local SEO helps your business stand out in local searches from potential customers. Optimizing your local presence can also allow you to surpass your competition in local searches.

3. Local search engine optimization is trackable

Back in the day, companies would push out ads to local papers, magazines, radio and TV and hope that customers come calling. You can sometimes track a spike in foot traffic, or you can use qualitative data measures by asking every lead “how did you hear about us?” and pray they provide accurate information. But this method of tracking isn’t 100% accurate or provable.

Your local search engine optimization efforts can be tracked through data to ensure you’re being seen by potential customers. You can see how your customers are finding you, how many are calling you, visiting your website, requesting driving directions and more.

If you’re a local business, are you fully optimized for local search? Or are your competitors taking customers that really need you?